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< view full issue: The football business
Jesús E. Mazzei

​Globalisation, business, sport and football


The 2018 Russia World Football Championship starts up on June 14, to the great expectation of who will be the new king of the FIFA Cup. The Russian 2018 World Cup, within a great cultural, musical, and large-scale publicity event grabs the world's attention through the magic of television, we estimate that more than 3,000 million people followed the start of that huge sporting event, drawing attention from the four corners of the earth.

Futbol 2018

In this particular sport, globalisation manifests itself in the strongest of ways due to the interrelation of economic effects and the sporting event itself. In the '98 World Cup in France for example, each team competing, received prizes in excess of one million dollars. On top of that, they each received approximately $250,000 in publicity, stadium billboards, musical and artistic shows that revolve round the influence of this people culture sport, given the globalizing effect of a sport as entertainment and lucrative commercial business for the large soft drinks and designer transnational companies of international fame. In short, everything that moves money in a strong and lucrative link between sport and business. We estimate that the sale of sponsors' souvenirs and tourist knick-knacks is worth 2,000 million dollars which represents a significant economic activity. It is also estimated that more than 3,000 million people watch each of the different political parties on television.

In this way, there is a confluence of the large economically-powerful transnational companies from different sectors as sponsors of this football event, on a similar trajectory as Russia 2018. North American television companies such as ESPN or FOX Sports, European ones, Latin American ones such as Univision and Asians ones, all looking for their own space to broadcast this event. Leading sportswear manufacturing companies, such as Adidas, Nike, Umbro and Puma Sport, sponsor different World Cup teams. Companies in the of telecommunications and information technology areas, such as Cannon and Hewlett Packard, worldwide transnationals in fast-food, such as Mc Donald’s, and in drinks such as Coca Cola and Budweiser, also support this event, among others.

We can highlight financial institutions, and credit cards such as Mastercard, which is one of the biggest sponsors, which come together in a monumental movement of money. With the creation of telecommunications and information technology, the event becomes a powerful magnet for attracting new customers in emerging and future markets.

Understandably, there is much talk about economic and financial globalisation, a reality that manifests itself in the most concrete way, before, during and after the end of this event.

Multinational company networks play a significant role in the economic success of this sporting event. Football is today a globalised entertainment and entertainment services industry, generating more than 400,000 million dollars.

Undoubtedly, this sport has become a global reality, not only because of its dissemination through modern means of social communication, but also because the cost of playing it is low.

With this in mind, let's take the example of Brazil, where this sport is a consolidated entertainment industry on which the State, through an incentive policy, massifies and enhances its different categories of children's and youth teams, creating an astounding sports organizational structure.

As we said before, in the Brazilian case there is a strong link between state and private companies, thus forging a solid organization with strong financial support. According to experts, the influence of the Football industry in Brazil is around 1.5% of GDP. We should not forget the support of social media, particularly the written press and television: newspapers such as O Globo, Jornal do Brasil, Folha de São Paulo, Lance; televisions such as O Globo, Red Bandeirantes, Manchete, SBT; in collaboration with companies such as Petrobras, Telebrás, Brahma, Itaú, Banco Excel, Banco do Brasil, Guaraná Antartica, among others, which, supported by the experience of international competition (5 world titles) and with a tradition more than 100 years old, united to innate conditions of Brazilian players, make it the sport with the greatest popular roots. Really, this sport is a true entertainment and entertainment service machine, both from a sporting and touristic point of view.

This article was first published in the El Universal newspaper. The author has consented to its reproduction in TEJ.



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