Tuesday, April 30, 2024
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Iceland, ten year later

En este número

Poul Thomsen Deputy Director of the European Department of the International Monetary Fund

When I visited Reykjavik in October 2008 to offer the assistance of the IMF, the situation in the country was critical.

Albert Guivernau Professor of Economics at the Abat Oliba CEU University.

Icelanders remember with a certain bittersweet taste the period between the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009.


Although Iceland is not a member of the EU, it represents a useful example of the alternatives to austerity that countries have at their disposal in response to the financial crisis.

Elvira Méndez Pinedo Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Iceland

Surprisingly, both Spaniards and Icelanders discover that many features of our character are common to both.

Mateo Peyrouzet García-Siñeriz Political analyst of the Alternativas Foundation

While tourists are fascinated by natural landscapes that evoke film fantasy planets, no less fascinating is the democratic culture of the society that inhabits it.

Alberto Fraguas Herrero Coordinator of the Observatory of Political Ecology of ATTAC Spain

The future of a new social and united economy model of greater proximity to the public at large has to be based on principles of cooperativism and self-management.

Nuria Alonso y Pablo Aguirre

Capital controls require that all the money held by residents and non-residents in the country remain there, which increases the tax base available to the Government.

Jesus González Pazo Degree in Anthropology and Ethnology.

The crisis in Iceland four years ago is similar, as far the first steps taken by the Government at that time and the public reaction is concerned, to the crisis in much of the capitalist world.

Rodolfo Rieznik PhD in Economics and member of the Board of Economists without Borders

In statistics, Iceland rubs shoulders with the elite of the rich developed world: 76 thousand dollars of per capita income in 2018, and it is the fifth country in the world in per capita income


The economic collapse that Iceland experienced in 2008 is different from those of other countries because it affected more the physical and mental health of women compared to men.


When the crisis happened, the frequency of cardiac emergencies increased a little, but the peak subsided after one week.



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